Hello, I have been to my favorite parts of north Devon again this weekend past. As usual the weather was good in a changeable sort of way, and equally to be relied upon, the friendly, welcoming and hospitable attitudes of the coastal people, but then this is an Island. I have always found it rather amusing and at the same time very strange that even a lot of the natives of Britain forget that we are on an island and not a very big one at that. I once heard people chatting in a cafe down the cobbled street from the cinema nearest my home after having watched a very famous film, a film about the crew of a fishing vessel that encountered a storm of enormous proportions, I forget the name of the film, I remember it was good and the fact I can't remember the name does not reflect upon it's worth as a piece of cinematic art. Anyway, the fishermen were islanders, and the cinema goers I write of now seemed to dwell on this fact, they indeed appeared to be enthralled by this, "Oh how wonderful island life must be!" they said, and "What a wonderful life...to live on an island...and in a fishing village too!" they crooned, and so on and so forth. This as some of you may be able to imagine struck me as rather odd, I wrote a poem about it that I shall dig out and post in a day or two, I had to do something, writing as is the normal run of things with me seemed to be the best thing to do at the time. Sitting there dumbfounded like one of the gaping fish I had just seen as giants on the cinema's screen was not an option. I thought about this for the appropriate amount of time and not a second longer, and came to the conclusion that on this particular subject, as regards the state of today's wide spread confusion about anything not written in foot high flashing letters, may be because we are an island nation, more than that, an island nation surrounded by literally hundreds of smaller islands...still? We, are an island nation, and now that I've been more critical of things than is usual for me I'll make my point. It is a very old point and a very valid point, and though I make it to all, I must particularly impress this point upon islanders so that you, and me, can speak to others of it. The world is an island, we all live closer to each other than it seems at times, and it would most definitely be better if we all made a concerted effort to get along with each other. Planet Earth? Earth Island.

Like this Seagull in the fishing town I just visited, we must all take a step in the right direction.
He was heading toward a chip by the way, he keeps no chips on his shoulders, he swallows them, and then they are gone. We'd look pretty stupid if we couldn't take a leaf from the book of a Seagull.
Peace In All
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