Friday 30 August 2013

Hello, good afternoon, good evening and good morning depending where in the world you are, and wherever you are in the world at the moment I would imagine that there is trouble of some description brewing, that as we all know is just the way of things, but we also know that there is little we can do about it. A blog won't stop a war or end world hunger, although if we all tried helping at the same time on the same day it might help, but alas I digress. Not much can be done...but here you are seen to be from the countries you're from with no judgement, I have ill feeling toward those who are malicious for the sake of being malicious only, the rest of you, be you Christian or Muslim, Hindu or Sikh, Buddhist  or Shinto, black, white, yellow, red, blue skinned fan of rugby or football, cricket or baseball, tennis or badminton, I think you get the point, it matters not! Here is a place where I write for you to read and hopefully enjoy, to pass your eye's over my latest paintings or photographs and  generally not have to be bombarded with various speculations of doom. I am having a break from writing poetry anthologies at the moment, so what I write will be almost entirely here for you ladies, gentlemen, anything in between, or who ever you deem yourselves to be. Please feel free to comment on anything you'd like to, however I will just say this, which anyone who has a taste for contradictory  irony should enjoy, 'The only thing I do not tolerate is...intolerance'. I happen to think that's quite an amusing quandary of life that  beautifully illustrates the general state of affairs. The only thing that should not be allowed (bar the obvious) is intolerance. Acceptance of each other is of paramount importance and I happen to think that a vast proportion of the world is already there. I was having a chat in my local pub not more than a couple of days ago and the subject of racism came up, and to my ever lasting delight, nearly everyone sighed, from the polish chap I'm only just getting to know to the Irishman at the other end of the table with various shades of skin in between, sighed and and said their own variations of "what racism". Now don't get me wrong, I'm not as naive as that which I just wrote makes me sound, I know it still happens, there will always be idiots after all, but the point is, in many places it's so far from peoples minds that when someone says anything about racism their comments are met with contempt, if there was a word less harsh I'd use it, but contempt is the word. The racism tune has been over played in many places, change the record, a large percentage of us are colour blind, creed blind and religion blind, but what we are not blind to is people stirring up ill will where there is none. The places where it no longer exists will grow larger, the example of these places  will spread. It is a passing darkness and no more, the light is returning to drive away the shadows of that particular problem. Pull together for the good things, laugh at the bad old days, and keep moving forward, pushing the light as you go.    Peace In All

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