Sunday 21 April 2013

Hello, I have not posted anything for a while as I have been seriously busy, writing, painting hanging out in Oxford and generally living life unplugged from my computer. This is something I believe to be very important, sure when you're getting publicity for a book, typing up what you've been scribbling all day in a cafe or whatever else you happen to be doing with your PC, you must still take time to live outside of all this, even if that just means detaching  your mind from the digital world. I was sat in a pub in Jericho, which is part of Oxford for those who don't know, watching the world go by, students from the university were laughing and chatting as they walked along the well trodden academic paving, cyclists cycled enjoying the welcome return of the sun, buskers sent notes drifting all ways on the breeze to become part of wind's whispering sound itself, the smell of late spring flowers mixed with street vendors various and colourful foods wafting through the bar room window and the background clink of glasses toasting each other all became an unbelievably tempting cocktail of life...I drank deeply of this intoxicating menagerie. The inspiration it filled me with has not yet left. So, if I disappear from time to time then chances are I'm off somewhere, could be anywhere, unplugged, unchained, filling the well of inspiration with the rain waters of life, from the universal tempest of creation.      

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