Collaboration Royal
The oil black night began,
and there they were,
walking down the road,
sudden sound snatched thought,
twinkling in the mind,
light so bright it dazzles inner eye,
habit forced my gaze.
Play with gold to much it turns to lead,
and with that the mind was fed,
but feet dragged ever onward,
into the darkest shed,
bright black darkness cutting through the fields,
truth the moonlight yields.
As new life sprouts from dead earth,
to reach ancestors from above,
where ancient bones were planted,
angels feathers stick into the earth,
as they grow to heavens worth,
and at the gate of heaven spent,
pay immortals heaven sent.
D.N. Read
Daisy Collett
The three of us sat here tonight and did this poem a line a piece from start to finish,
we like it and we hope you enjoy it too.
Friday, 29 March 2013
The Legend Came
The legend came,
greatest deeds seen,
the legend died,
now has been.
The legend returned,
miracles again,
the legend burned,
memory slain.
The legend rose,
immortal gift,
soul word grows,
the spirits lift.
The legend ashamed,
by what he sees,
filth done in his name,
whose words are these.
The legend saw,
his words were twisted,
to justify war,
by righteous mask gifted.
The legend's name,
used in vain,
nameless one,
he then became.
The nameless one,
removed his voice,
repent as one,
you have no choice.
The world together,
stands a chance,
remain apart,
begin last dance.
D.N. Read 2013©
The legend came,
greatest deeds seen,
the legend died,
now has been.
The legend returned,
miracles again,
the legend burned,
memory slain.
The legend rose,
immortal gift,
soul word grows,
the spirits lift.
The legend ashamed,
by what he sees,
filth done in his name,
whose words are these.
The legend saw,
his words were twisted,
to justify war,
by righteous mask gifted.
The legend's name,
used in vain,
nameless one,
he then became.
The nameless one,
removed his voice,
repent as one,
you have no choice.
The world together,
stands a chance,
remain apart,
begin last dance.
D.N. Read 2013©
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Sometimes When I am painting I end up with a load
of paint I have mixed but can no longer use. I hate
wasting paint so I paint something small in a flurry,
whatever comes to mind first, I walked home from
town a while back and a twilight storm sky caught
my eye and the lights from town made it look dirty,
a good metaphor for mankind messing with nature
again, however I would not have seen it but for the
town, mankind is part of nature even if mankind
hates the idea it's true. Most don't I'm rattling on,
anyway, enjoy.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
The Moment
They walked in time,
preceding space,
forever journey,
finding space,
ever onward,
each moment home,
always leaving,
long written tomes,
likeness left,
returning day,
face returning,
night time strays,
turning wheel,
the ever loop,
native sight's,
dreaming hoop,
spherical light,
implode explode,
simultaneous hit,
reversed black hole.
They are one,
becoming self,
self divides,
subconscious self,
running halt,
falling stand,
fault no fault,
small and grand,
existence truth,
point between,
secular moment,
remain unseen.
D.N. Read 2013©
They walked in time,
preceding space,
forever journey,
finding space,
ever onward,
each moment home,
always leaving,
long written tomes,
likeness left,
returning day,
face returning,
night time strays,
turning wheel,
the ever loop,
native sight's,
dreaming hoop,
spherical light,
implode explode,
simultaneous hit,
reversed black hole.
They are one,
becoming self,
self divides,
subconscious self,
running halt,
falling stand,
fault no fault,
small and grand,
existence truth,
point between,
secular moment,
remain unseen.
D.N. Read 2013©
Fools Of Yesterday
Conflicting purpose,
emotions circus,
hurt words on wings,
calm down cool,
destruction sings.
Who's fault,
no matter,
bad beginnings,
bad the latter,
heart shatter.
Love began beautiful,
lost sight along the way,
turning hateful,
temper flaring stray,
still hopeful,
never throw away.
So much said the worse,
now it cannot be,
unleashing the curse,
mirror splitting me,
stupid crossing wires,
love should remain free.
Fighting for future love,
never giving up,
a year loving the lady,
one night will not corrupt,
yesterday is gone,
today returning luck.
D.N.Read 2013©
Conflicting purpose,
emotions circus,
hurt words on wings,
calm down cool,
destruction sings.
Who's fault,
no matter,
bad beginnings,
bad the latter,
heart shatter.
Love began beautiful,
lost sight along the way,
turning hateful,
temper flaring stray,
still hopeful,
never throw away.
So much said the worse,
now it cannot be,
unleashing the curse,
mirror splitting me,
stupid crossing wires,
love should remain free.
Fighting for future love,
never giving up,
a year loving the lady,
one night will not corrupt,
yesterday is gone,
today returning luck.
D.N.Read 2013©
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
I see France has come to visit the blog, bonjour mes amis, I spent some time over there a couple of years back, it was a life changing experience actually, I nearly died through various things, my fault, but the good people of Brest Hospital saved me. I am forever grateful, thank you. All is very well now if you happen to see this blog, miraculous.
Of all the things in life unseen,
and everything that's left unsaid,
all the people could have been,
now the dreams are left for dead.
A true path is hard to walk,
so many think not act,
another day of stagnant talk,
never facing facts.
So easy to let others deal,
the problems every day,
o.k. today not to feel,
pill popped pain we wash away.
It's fine not to ever stand,
saying no to hate,
if this was the law of the land,
gruesome be the fate.
Thanking world for standing tall,
natural beauty's guarding fence,
love protects against the fall,
without it no defence.
D.N.Read 2013©
and everything that's left unsaid,
all the people could have been,
now the dreams are left for dead.
A true path is hard to walk,
so many think not act,
another day of stagnant talk,
never facing facts.
So easy to let others deal,
the problems every day,
o.k. today not to feel,
pill popped pain we wash away.
It's fine not to ever stand,
saying no to hate,
if this was the law of the land,
gruesome be the fate.
Thanking world for standing tall,
natural beauty's guarding fence,
love protects against the fall,
without it no defence.
D.N.Read 2013©
Monday, 25 March 2013
Hello, I have only just realized that the setting of my blog only allowed certain people to comment, for this I apologise. Now who ever you are if you feel like commenting on any of my posts or my books if you've read them, you can.
Hello, I was chatting to some mates of mine and the subject of inspiration came up as it often does, when your someone who's life is a creative one, the lack of it can plague you just as often. Writers block is something all writers come across, even the most pretentious ones have their off days even if they'd never admit to it. In my first book 'The Poet Tree', there is a poem called 'Written Block' that's all about this, the most annoying part of a writers life. One of the lines I wrote goes thus; 'summer sun shadows double potential', pointing out the fact that inspiration is all around us if you take the time to look. The trouble is we do not always see what is directly before us, and if we do, other thoughts can be clouding our minds in such a way that what we see means less. The trick to overcoming writers block as with any other kind of mental block is learning to separate the relevant parts of our minds from the constant barrage of rubbish that's thrown our way, wherever it may come from, be it the media, the ever present consumer campaign against our bank balances, or the mundane stuff we feel we can do in our sleep. When you are doing something you enjoy whether writing a book, rehearsing with your band, or just taking the dog for a walk, clear your minds of all the rubbish and enjoy the moment, it will still be there to deal with when your done, but letting it go for a while takes the pressure off, and you'll find stuff easier to deal with afterwards.
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Hello, as usual I have a question to put to you, but first let me tell you about something that happened last night. My friend John and myself were both at a loose end, we had both been stuck indoors all day, which for people like us is tantamount to torture, I called him up and said "John do you fancy coming to my place for beer?", it was decided fairly quickly that that would be the only thing to do on a night as tempestuous as it was. We talked about the various small plannings before he arrived like, do we need to drive to town for anything, you know, just the normal stuff. All was decided and he was on his way, he lives about ten miles away from me so I had enough time to dig out a couple of old lp's and the chess board. Halfway through doing this I got a call, It was John and I could tell he was outside and a touch out of breath and naturally I asked him if he was o.k. and he said "Mate a bloody tree has fallen in the road, I'll be a bit longer" "oh" says I "where are you I'll come and give you a hand" "down near the Ridgeway cross" says he. I grabbed my coat and hat and picked up my axe from the wood shed on my way to the front gate of my garden and headed down the road on foot as John was now only half a mile from my house, but before I had even been walking for two minutes the headlights of Johns car shone on the stand of oak trees that mark where the well metaled road starts. He pulled up and wound down his window and said to jump in out of what was rapidly changing from rain to snow, "What happened then mate, did someone else tun up and help?" says I "they did" says he. We dropped down into town to grab a few things for the nights quiet revelry and it was only when we were settled back at mine that it struck me. "John" says I "big tree was it?" "not really" says he "I could have driven around it in that old car of mine but the next person to come may have hit it, and we don't want that mate" "well no, that's why I was on my way, give you a hand and get the poxy thing out of the road anyway you know". I sat quietly and thought for a while and my pensive silence must have been louder than the music as John turned in his chair and said "What's up mate, you look vexed", "Well John, you stopped to move that tree because it was the right thing to do yeah?", "yeah!", "and so did the other people, yeah?", "well yeah", "and I was on my way for the same reason, yeah?", "I know, but what's wrong mate?", "there was a man in the shops and he dropped a couple of pennies on the floor and I picked them up and gave them back to him", "and?", "and he did not say thank you! John". John said nothing about that, he looked sad and I felt sad and guilty that I had told him, as a lack of common courtesy can hurt people that care without realizing. We put on a more lively record and reminisced about a boat trip we took a few years earlier and the rest of the night went well as they always do and will. My question to you is, when courtesy costs nothing why have people stopped giving it away? It's no good thinking please and thank you and saying nothing, and it's no good watching bad things happen and thinking "I should have done something"
Friday, 22 March 2013
In a world of communication,
where all is free to see,
regardless of your nation,
you stay me instead of we.
It's hard for me to understand,
how such sad things can be so,
seems a feeling sundered land,
where did the voices go.
Conversation's secular,
when easier to speak,
more than just peculiar,
random words are freak.
Secret pocket boxes,
that could connect us all,
I heard town barking foxes,
but silent was mans fall.
No voice cried out for friendship,
shout thousands silent hole,
lost the smile for strangers,
bring back the freedom's soul.
D.N.Read 2013©
Thursday, 21 March 2013
I find it very strange that so many people use the internet but very few people actually talk to each other over the open air so to speak. I know there is email and what not, but get this, if you happen to be sat in a bar and your talking to someone and a random person decides to add something to the conversation because they have heard what's being said and they think they can add something, be it funny, profound or whatever else, I think that it's fine to do so, as long as they are not rude and looking for trouble. So let me ask you what's the difference when on the internet?, I'm fairly new to this and it seems weird, someone posts something, someone comments then is answered and then others join in. Great. I have watched mates of mine posting stuff and only occasionally will someone actually strike up an international conversation of random beginnings. Maybe it's just me but I find that kind of strange and a little bit sad. We would not be able to talk if we were not supposed to.
Where has the voice gone?
Where has the voice gone? when I was growing up I remember people having a voice, if something happened in the world that was not quite right people would get up and do something about it. My father and brother along with the head master of my old school hated the idea of children suffering in a world where there is really no excuse for not helping. They got together and rode on push bikes great distances raising money for a children's charity on the way. It was a small difference but never the less a difference. On a grander scale the same year they did their bike ride the Berlin wall came down, a fine example of the peoples voice. What do people do now? They moan from the comfort of their local pub and do nothing. I am only writing this, but I'm doing it in the hope that my voice will be heard, and even if only one more person says to themselves "yes, we must act not talk" then my voice has made a difference. If you all do the same it will become 'The voice'.
I'm no crazy man with unrealistic dreams, just a bloke who sees that a common goal is something we are all aware of, but we have lost our voices and we need to learn to shout again!
Monday, 18 March 2013
Do you ever feel like the everyday stresses of work and life in general are getting to much? I would imagine the answer to that is almost certainly, yes. The thing is, do we really need to let stuff get to us that much, do you want to turn a deadline into your own personal high pitched flatline. They say that's the way stress is taking us all in the modern world, but then that would be just one more thing to worry about would it not? My Grandfather used to say that worry begets worry, as long as you take care of those you love and do the right thing as regards the world in general then you're doing o.k. When stuff gets to me I feel like running water, the problems that surround me are no longer jagged things that cut into my life, they are just little ruts that slip by beneath me. Give it go, you might be surprised.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Temples Of The Painted Mind: I just asked someone a wierd one!
Temples Of The Painted Mind: I just asked someone a wierd one!: I was sat here a few minutes ago thinking about a chapter title whilst working on my new book and my mind began to wander, I tend to loose m...
I just asked someone a wierd one!
Would you try something new everyday for you or would you listen everyday to what others say is new?
Originality counts for a lot, the world is a place that can seem stagnant and worn thin at times, I don't know about you but that gets to me and I'm fairly sure it gets to most people who have the heart to honestly look at world around them. The place needs shaking up with new ideas. Check out my books '
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Temples Of The Painted Mind: "You'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a...
Temples Of The Painted Mind: "You'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a...: "You'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone, for the times they are a'changin" a qoute from good old B...
"You'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone, for the times they are a'changin" a qoute from good old Bob Dylan
I never thought I'd be using these machines as much as I am now. there not so bad.
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