Saturday, 21 March 2020

Long Time No Write

Hello again folks, after a long absence, I'm happy to say I'm back. I guess a few of you are still around, so hello again to you and...tell your people. For those of you new here, a warm welcome.
Now, without further ado...back to where we left off.

I've recently released a new collection of 76 poems in the anthology, 'You Won't See What's Coming...' No, it has nothing to do with the current madness afflicting our world, I'd written all these well before any of this...anyway, I wrote this book on and off for about two years, between an explosion in my Gardening & Visual Art concerns, romance and travel...quite a ride in which I had some amazing experiences, that I truly hope are reflected in this latest, and coming collections.

The kindle edition is available for free for 24 hours on March 23rd and is also available in paperback...links below:  - Kindle Edition - Paperback

There will of course be lots of other bits and pieces coming, like the usual photograps, paintings, a sculpture or two, walking stick...a whole bunch of poetry you'll only see here and others that'll end up in collections similar to the above.

Speaking of which, here's a photograph I took of the Moon in all it's glory over the Chiltern Hills, South Oxfordshire, here in the UK...which may be the cover of the book I'm currently working on...

Hope you enjoy, as always, be well...try not to get swept up in the madness, maybe order the kindle version until this Covid Kerfuffle is over so the delivery folk don't spread or catch it...and hope I don't get in trouble for just annihilating the sale of the paperback...

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