Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Poet's Thorns

Hello, as you may have read in my posts since the beginning of January I am writing about four small anthologies a month, then one compilation of the four. This enables me to keep the prices of the paperbacks to a minimum, £2.99 here in the U.K. Given that people regularly pay around £4.99 for a magazine that ends up in the bin, I think that's pretty reasonable, also it allows me to explore different aspects of life and the wide world in my writings in a way that I may not do if I was writing one large book. For those who want a large book the compilations of the four I write a month are still cheaper than average magazine price.

"There are many parts to a Rose, and like life, 
some parts hurt but are never the less a fundamental part of our existence,
these writings reflect that principal"     

My latest is called;

Poet's Thorns

Available on Kindle now!

Available in Paperback now !

Coming Very Soon But Slightly Delayed Due To
The Fact That Inspiration Is A Fickle Thing At Times;

Poet's Flower

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