Monday, 2 December 2013

Free Style Bought

Write free style for a while,
fire up blood of ink,
verse or two to bring a smile,
typing as I think.

Throw them out,
line them up,
whisper to keys,
filling the cup.

hear heart beats,
wander wild words,
leaving your seat.

If these letters,
had a beat,
when you stood,
you'd move those feet.

I won't trap you people,
with  wayward tunes,
whistle while reading,
breakfast bowl tap spoons.

Invent your own,
up beat lick,
or tap it blues,
whatever sticks.

I have some strings,
I play so bad,
but I got lyrics,
so not so sad.

Go fire it up,
inside your mind,
here my words,
I hope you find.

Country lane,
town centre park,
even your dog,
digs poet's bark.

Down by the river,
shore of sea,
get you there,
set voices free.

While you're styling,
spare a thought,
for this free poem,
free style bought.

©D.N. Read 2013

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