Monday, 18 August 2014

Your Language Needs You

OMG, FYI, IMHO this must stop!
Please Help Prevent Cruelty To Language
It's Not Too Late

©David Nickle Read 2014

Saturday, 2 August 2014

My latest

Hello folks, I hope you enjoyed yesterday's post, it certainly relieved the monotony for me, I love writing, typing however gets me somewhat agitated at times. It's fine though, I usually find that after a few days of clicking away I become used to it again and it stops annoying me, it's not as much fun as writing though. The other problem I tend to come across is the almost uncontrollable urge to add bits or take them away, they're hardly ever things I've not already thought of while still grasping pen or pencil, but the urge is still there, and as many of you will know, over editing, one last brush stroke or that extra something in whatever you do can sometimes be the unraveling of a whole piece. I hope I've managed to stay clear of such pitfalls with my latest anthology 'A Walk In Chaos' and as always, here is a picture of the book and a link should any of you feel the urge to own my poetry (then yours) in paperback, hope you enjoy it if you do.

Peace In All

Friday, 1 August 2014

The Secret Door - Picture and Poem

I've just created this piece, it can be enlarged obviously,
needed a break from typing,
mind numbing stuff,
hat's off to those who do it for a living, truly! 

Peace In All